Our program is comprised of dedicated people striving to teach & support low income children and their families.
Knoxville Head Start provides more than just childcare and educational programming. We offer many services, such as: support to families, including social service referrals; assistance with mental health and disabilities; and transportation to and from our centers. Our program also provides free, nutritious meals (breakfast/lunch/snack with USDA reimbursement) to all enrolled children. Our program’s main goals are outlined further down on this page.
Our Services
Early childhood education paves the way toward success in life. Here at Head Start, our teachers use a creative curriculum and deliver developmental assessments to track children’s learning progress over time. Our preschool teachers get kids ready for kindergarten.
Family Services
We believe in building relationships with families that support family well-being, strong relationships between parents and children, and ongoing learning for both. Our Family Specialists provide direct services and referrals to assist families with clothing, food, utilities, interpretation services, etc.
Health Services
Here at Head Start, we believe that quality healthcare is vital for growth and development in young children. We provide health screenings for all children in our program, including growth assessments, hearing, vision, blood pressure (for those 3+ years old), & lead testing. We also help families connect with local pediatricians.
Mental Health and Disabilities
Head Start serves ALL children regardless of their special needs. Special needs can include learning, physical, and/or mental health challenges. We individualize for ALL children and provide support to help each child be successful in the classroom environment. We also provide support to the parents and caretakers of children with special needs.
Good nutrition helps kids learn and grow. We furnish nutritious meals and snacks to all Head Start children throughout the school day, and make accommodations for any child with special dietary needs. In addition, our staff dietitian is available to help guide parents into making healthier choices for themselves and their families. We are promoting the Gold Sneaker Initiative for healthy living as well.
(The menu is on a 6 week rotation. Please ask your child’s teacher for the current week.)
Check out our program’s nutrition blog for tips and tricks from our nutrition coordinator!
Check out our program’s nutrition blog for tips and tricks from our nutrition coordinator!
Transportation is a service that we are proud to offer to families that reside in the transportation service area. Our buses meet all Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards for school buses and are inspected yearly by the Tennessee Department of Safety Pupil Transport. All children ride in 5-point child restraint seats. Our goal is to provide safe and efficient transportation to families each and every day.
Dual-Language Learning
Children whose home language is something other than English are actually learning two or more languages, and are referred to as Dual Language Learners. We help multi-lingual children to learn English while encouraging them to use their home language as well. Our program has families who speak Spanish, Kirundi, Arabic, Burmese, and other languages.
Program Goals
School Readiness
When children leave Head Start,
- They will be physically healthy.
- They will be socially competent.
- They will be academically ready.
Family Engagement
When families leave Head Start,
- They will be healthy, stable, and secure.
- They will be teachers of their children and lifelong learners themselves.
- They will be equipped to transition smoothly into the next learning environment.
- They will be connected to the community.
- They will be able to lead and advocate for their children.
Goals for our current grant:
- School Readiness
- Teacher Capacity
- Family Engagement
- Data Driven Culture
- Safe and Healthy Centers